We celebrate a double award win at first Insurance Times Awards.

We celebrated a double award win at our first Insurance Times Awards

We enjoyed a memorable night at our first Insurance Times Awards, winning both the 2019 Commercial Lines Broker of the Year and Schemes Broker of the Year awards.

The awards, hosted by actor and comedian Greg Davies, took place at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London on Friday 22 November.

These award wins come in a milestone year for us, celebrating our Centenary, and the launch of several new scheme products including for the Facilities Management and Flooring sectors. We faced tough competition at the awards and on winning the Commercial Lines Broker of the Year the Insurance Times judges noted;


“This has been a transformational year for the winner, launching three new scheme products and improving staff retention so that they can compete with the broker consolidators”

When presented with the Schemes Broker of the Year award, the judges praised the winner for creating an all in one product for the Facilities Management sector, reflecting the increased complexity of the specialist market they serve.On winning these awards, Darwin Clayton, CEO Simon Henderson said:

Being a sector-focused broker, product development is key to the Darwin Clayton model. We are continually developing products and back office systems to create efficiency and improved distribution across both our wholesale and retail channels. It’s pretty immense to win these awards. We’ve been in the Cleaning & FM sector since 1947 and sector focused insurance advice is what we pride ourselves on. It’s in our blood.
Reflecting on the night’s wins, Director of Darwin Clayton, Ashley Hoadley, added:

“Our strap line is ‘Evolutionary Insurance’ and it was a certain Darwinian that said, ‘it’s not the strongest or the fittest that survive, it’s those most adaptable to change’. These awards recognise our ability to evolve in an ever-changing industry.”
“My fellow Directors & I would like to thank all our staff for their hard work and dedication leading up and into our Centenary. This would not have been possible without you. I’d also like to thank our Insurer partners, and not least our Clients for their continued support over the years. Our business has been built on strong relationships.”

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