The Installer Show 2024 in Birmingham - Darwin Clayton

The Installer Show 2024 in Birmingham

About The Installer Show

The Installer Show is the biggest event in the UK dedicated to the heating and energy sectors. This year’s three-day show is taking place in Birmingham from 25th to 27th June. This event takes over two of the largest halls in the NEC, hosting 600 exhibitors from all over the world and welcoming 20,000 visitors. It’s a perfect opportunity to discover new products, get connected with industry professionals and stay updated with the latest industry trends.

Attendees of the Installer Show can participate in engaging live debates, hear from industry leaders in a range of panel discussions, keynote talks, Q&As, and interactive seminars. They can also see hands-on demos of the latest solar solutions, and more.

At Darwin Clayton, we work closely with the heating and energy sectors and specialise in a wide range of insurance schemes, which include Electrical Contractors Insurance and HVAC Business Insurance. It is important for us to connect with industry professionals and participate in the UK’s major industry events to showcase our expertise and specialist insurance schemes, which is why we are exhibiting at The Installers Show.

We already arrange insurance for hundreds of electrical contractors and HVAC companies. Taking part in The Installer Show not only allows our team to meet new clients but also strengthens existing relationships and boosts brand visibility.

Representatives from Darwin Clayton

Fiona Hankinson, Stephen Dykes, Paul Fernandes, Richard Webb, and Christine Smith are attending the Installer Show and representing Darwin Clayton. They are all looking forward to networking with attendees and discussing how our expertise and specialist insurance solutions can benefit electrical and HVAC businesses. Please come and talk to us about your business insurance and how we can tailor insurance to your company. You can find us on stand 5H120.

Further Details

For further details, please visit the event page here.

Don’t miss out on this fantastic event that promises to shape the future of the heating, and energy sectors. Join industry leaders, experts, and peers at The Installer Show for three days of insightful discussions and incredible networking opportunities.

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